Friday, July 8, 2011

Guess Who!

Last night the Rigby 8th Ward Relief Society enjoyed a wonderful ice cream social.  Holly Davis donated her amazing decorating talents to come up with this adorable ice cream booth.  We will miss her awesome energy and talents as she is now fulfilling a calling in the Young Women!  Thank you Holly for all of your hard work and dedication!

These are a few of the things that we learned about some of the sisters in our Relief Society...
-During high school one daring sister went skinny dipping with some friends at a golf course.
-One of our sisters was engaged three times before settling on her husband.
-A certain sister had a squirrell fall out of her ceiling, landing humorously on her sisters lap.
-One of us, as a child would climb a ladder and gaze at the moon, while trying to convince a younger brother that she could see the flag placed there by the astronauts.
-Another sister dreams of going to Disney Land with her children, but not her husband, who doesn't appreciate the crowds.
-There is a sister in our ward who has a talent for rock climbing and has even climbed the Tetons.
-One sister met and kissed her husband on the same day, which just so happened to be the day he returned home from his mission.
-We have a sister that won a bowling tournament and a scholarship with her amazing bowling skills.
-A certain sister admitted to rolling pumpkins down Elder Bednar's driveway when he was the President of Rick's College.
-Several sisters admitted that they are scared to death of roller coasters, even though claiming it was one of the most adventurous things they had ever done.
-Some of our sisters dream of visiting places like Hawaii, Egypt, and the Sacred Grove, while another sister admitted that being able to travel anywhere while not on a business trip would be ideal.
-And if given $100, most of us admit that it really wouldn't be quite enough to do anything significant with, but we would perhaps buy some cute outfits or treat our friends to pedicures.

If you want to know who these notorious sisters are, find a chance to sit by someone new and strike up a conversation.  You might be really surprised to find out what you learn!

Thanks to all the sisters who came, helped, and participated in our Ice Cream Social.  It was a wonderful night!

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